Solar Safety ShutOFF Install

You definitely have our support

2GB’s Ross Greenwood introduced Joe Hudson to his listeners on ‘Business Sunday’ as the winner of the July 2014 ‘2GB and Momentum Energy Small Business Success Awards’. “Mmm.” I thought. “I wonder what Joe’s achieved.” An inventor? That’s clever. Something called the ‘Remote Solar Isolator’. My ears pricked up.

I realised this man’s story was very relevant to me. I shuddered to think that our roof carried a little electricity generation station, (simply put, 10 PVC panels or 2.96kW), which remained constantly active, even during a blackout! None of the literature available at the time of installation 3 years ago, raised this point. And quite frankly, I didn’t realise the situation to ask the question.

I tuned in to his voice. “…..the device, once installed, will allow you or a firefighter to turn off all electricity to your house during a crisis, be it a threatening bushfire, or even a tradie needing to get onto the roof.”

Joe’s professionalism was refreshing. His ever-so accommodating manner, his down-to-earth Aussie nature, and his genuine concern for the safety of his customers must be applauded. Nothing was too much trouble…. Joe’s response to queries and the provision of the quote were prompt. I requested additional information around how this all works. Sure, what did you want to know? I needed some flexibility on the installation date. Joe suggested a range of dates. True to his word, Joe and his team arrived on time! Despite the drizzle they got cracking, disappearing up into the man-hole with reams of cabling. The welcomed sun soon appeared and within 4 hours the Solar Safety ShutOFF was installed and hooked up. And Joe even obliged my request for a quick training session in the powering down and powering up of the electricity.

We can only be grateful to someone like Joe (and his team) for taking the initiative and making it his passion to create and evolve a product which has Aussie home and business owners’ safety concerns front and centre. This is a fantastic Aussie home-grown and made product Joe, and you definitely have our support!

Karin and David

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